Jezik in slovstvo Journal



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Revija Jezik in slovstvo
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1270

Established in 1955, Jezik in slovstvo [Language and Literature] is a journal dealing with the didactics and issues of the Slovenian language, literature, and teaching. It is published by the Slavic Society of Slovenia four times per year. It has drawn the attention of foreign authors, who also sit on the editorial board alongside Slovene experts.


The journal addresses topical questions, trends and novel directions in the fields of Slovenian linguistics, literary theory, and literature and language didactics. It features congress reports, scientific treatises, critical reviews, etc.

Every year a double issue is dedicated to a specific topic, for example, contemporary Slovene literary history, or autobiographical literature.

The journal is included in the following databases: Modern Language Association of America, New Contents Slavistics, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, and European Reference Index for the Humanities.

English abstracts

Written by domestic and foreign experts and professionals, the contributions are published in Slovenian and accompanied by English abstracts. Issues published from 1991 onward are also available online.

See also

External links